Thursday, February 25, 2010

Coffee shop vs. cafe

Lucca and I arrived at 7:30 am Amsterdam time (11:30 Northwest time) after a 9 hour direct flight from Seattle. Who needs mind altering drugs when you can hop on a plane and "skip the night" as Lucca put it. We are completely delirious but I know that if we go to bed now...we are just prolonging the jet lag.

We flew with some friends (Amy McCabe and her daughters Ava and Kate). Drew McCabe is in PAUNDY with Tony and the band has been doing a whirlwind tour for the last 10 days. Tony looks like he's lost a few pounds...must be that new European Dunhill /Vodka diet. I'm pretty sure Keith Richards invented it.

A funny thing happened while we were waiting to get through customs. There was a line for members of the European Union and a line for non EU members. Our line was pretty long and the official at the European Union line didn't have many customers. She looked directly at us and shouted "Americans!" while waiving us over to her booth. What makes us so easy to spot? I'm pretty sure that the Hawaiian shirts, fanny packs and large bags of Ruffles potato chips didn't give us away.

The last time I was in Amsterdam I was pregnant with that was fun. It was New Years Eve, in one of the most permissive cities in the world and yours truly got to watch everyone else getting plastered. As I walked around today I marveled at all of the canals, cool old row homes and the abundance of sex toy shops. Everyone is riding bikes, and there are a surprising number of stores selling Obama merchandise. Seems that while we are railing against the president for not fixing our country overnight...the rest of the world is still elated that George and Cheney are past tense.

Tony has another concert tonight. He warned me as he was leaving the hotel not to take Lucca into any "coffee shops". Seems that if a store calls itself a coffee shop, in addition to coffee it carries a wide assortment of marijuana products. One of the more interesting items is referred to as "space cake". Hmmm....might be a good thing to serve at Open Houses if you want prospective buyers to linger for a while.

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